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Personal Key

The Personal Key

Your personal key is how your essence expresses itself, the unique way you contribute to the world from your heart. 

It is connected to the core of your being, and articulates how you naturally operate in the world. It is a part of you that has always been there, something so natural and obvious that you may not even be aware of it – or see the value of it. 

People are often focused on the outside world, and forget themselves. A personal key session is an invitation to look within, and get in touch with who you really are, what is important to you, and why you are here…  

“Now that I have ‘found’ my key, many questions and experiences from the past are falling into place. I now understand how my key affects everything I do and experience.” 

The personal key is the unique way you contribute to the world. 

People with their Personal Keys

It isn’t so much about what you do, but about how you do it. Many people who have found their key describe it as a compass, or anchor, that helps you make choices and navigate your path. It keeps bringing you back to your power. 

 Finding your personal key is only the beginning. Then the journey starts to explore how you can consciously apply your personal key in all areas of life. 

 “Knowing my personal key now makes my life a lot easier. By using my key I discover more quickly what suits me and what doesn’t, and where I can use my talents and what I can better leave to others.”

If your personal key is clear, you can take your place in society in a very powerful way. 

By embracing this gift and expressing it, you make a difference in the world around you, in your unique way. It helps you be your most powerful, authentic self. 


Personal Key session

Would you like to find your own, unique Personal Key? Here you can request a session with one of our Personal Key facilitators.

A personal key session usually lasts about 1.5 hours. For some people, one session is enough. Many people prefer two sessions, about a week apart. The second session is often shorter – about an hour. You can decide after the first session whether you want a second one. 

We invite you to make a love based contribution in gratitude for the work of the facilitators and to support WeWorldwide. The suggested amount is € 80,- for a session, but you are welcome to give more or less if that is more fitting for your personal situation.

We are happy to guide you in the process of discovering and embracing your personal key. 

If you would like to receive a Personal Key session, or for more information, please fill out the form below. 

Personal Key facilitators

Personal Key: Holding space, facilitating the shift from fear to love.

Maurits Hoenders

Personal Key: Holding space, facilitating the shift from fear to love.

Time zone: CET
Location: Groningen, NL
Languages: English, Dutch

Personal Key: Liefde

Jacques van der Noord

Personal Key: Liefde

Time zone: CET
Location: Assen, NL
Languages: Nederlands

Personal Key: Samen is Amen

Jellie Keuning

Personal Key: Samen is Amen

Time zone: CET
Location: Amersfoort, NL
Languages: Nederlands, 

Personal Key: Seeing where the  imbalance is and showing  where the love can come in.

Doranne Janssen

Personal Key: Seeing where the  imbalance is and showing  where the love can come in.

Time zone: CET
Location: Zieuwent (Achterhoek), NL
Languages: Dutch, English

Personal Key: Clarity invites change.

Remco Boerma

Personal Key: Clarity invites change.

Time zone: CET
Location: Zuidhorn (Groningen), NL
Languages: Dutch, English

Personal Key: I create clarity, from a connection with the earth and the universe.

Karlijn Scheffers

Personal Key: I create clarity, from a connection with the earth and the universe.

Time zone: CET
Location: NL
Languages: English, Dutch

Personal Key: Caring for the well-being of all things.

Louis Böhtlingk

Personal Key: Caring for the well-being of all things.

Time zone: GMT
Location: Keiss (Caithness), Scotland.
Languages: Dutch, English