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World Finance Initiative

World Finance Initiative is a Scottish Charity who focuses on our money, survival and work issues, on what money is and how it works in our present world.
We constantly hear people’s experiences in relation to this in our ongoing workshop Meeting the Mystery of Money, which we started in 2004 off line and also started doing online when Covid 19 started.

Participants are exploring their relationship with money on a deep cellular level. It starts with exploring our deepest fears, our desperation, anger and pain in our lives with money. Then we explore our conditioning through our growing up years, slowly empowering ourselves to be with it from our inner strength, light and beauty. Shifting from feeling victimised by the world of money to feeling more empowered.

The Garden

We then absorb a vision “The Garden, a love based economy and a Care First World”, where everything that is related to money, survival and work gets connected to love. This begins to open up a new road of exploring the possibility of using money in a different way: letting its use be guided by love and care, versus fear and greed. We define Care First as money serving the well-being of people, the Earth and our values and not being used at their expense (Money First).

The participants are assisted with shifting from a Money First to a Care First attitude and how to apply this in their personal lives, immediate environment and greater world.

Our Work


This foundation’s vision for developing children has taken roots in the hearts and minds of a small group of people around the globe as they work together to release communities from poverty.

What started as a short mission trip between a group of young people coming together to make a change, this foundation continues to exist as an agency to provide medical, social, psychological and education needs of children and their families.

Our Impact

Today, thousands of children and their families are discovering lives full of promises – making education, clean water, and opportunities easily accessible. With our global partnership, we have offered financial support to over 15 communities in 9 countries – all thanks to your donations and support.

During this time of uncertainty, our efforts to end poverty need to be stronger than ever and so we launch the global movement to reach out even further. We have doubled our efforts in making clean water, food and clothing more accessible to those most at risk during the pandemic.

Our Work
Clean Water

Clean Water

+3000 People provide with clean water

Build Schools

Build Schools

+100 schools built in this area.

Access to Education

Access to Education

+3000 children given access to education

Our Video

Through your help and your support, more children and families are given opportunities to live a quality life they deserve.

Our Partners

Our Partners in making the world a better place.
Our Work
Our Work
Our Work
Our Work
Our Work
Our Work
Our Work
Our Work
Our Work
Our Work