Meeting the Mystery of Money
Make the shift from Money First to Care First.
Online and offline workshop, in English and Dutch
Meeting the Mystery of Money
In this intensive we explore our relationship to money on a deeply experiential and cellular level. We explore and transform old patterns and core beliefs and are assisted to move from fear to trust. It is a threshold crossing experience in which money is the portal to a higher level of community and a higher world of light. The process is alchemical throughout. It portrays the archetypal story behind our relationship with money, its purpose, challenge and outcome and sets a new tone for the future of economics.
We look at a constructive use of money and a sharing world. We learn to apply Care First, using money in service of our values, of the well-being of us all and our planet, and not at their expense.
With the loving support of five facilitators who each represent an archetype: God of Money, Goddess of Abundance, Community Keeper, Condor and Eagle and the use of sacred ceremony, music and masks, we start a very personal and communal journey through the land of money.
We have given this workshop since 2004 internationally and received many testimonials. We are sharing one of them to give you a good feel of the process involved.
The workshop was a profound experience for me. In a safe and loving space I felt invited to explore my fears and anxieties with regard to money and myself. I realised that how I relate to money is very much related to how I relate to myself. My (lack of) self-esteem and self- worth is directly connected to my difficulty in receiving money for what I contribute. I was invited to connect to my inner strength and true self and create a loving relationship to money, which after all is nothing more than energy, energy which flows between people. I felt connected to and carried by the facilitators and participants and was inspired to create and nurture a care first relationship with money and myself. I highly recommend this workshop.
Maurits Hoenders, Groningen, The Netherlands.
We started doing the workshop online during Covid. It has worked out beautifully. People who were hesitant about sitting in front of a computer screen for three days have been pleasantly surprised how alive, warm and intimate the event is. How fun and easy and deep!
3 day intensive (usually during a weekend, starting Friday evening and ending Sunday afternoon)
Online (Zoom):
The online workshop is offered either
– As a 3 day intensive, with an evening session on day 1, followed by a four to five hour daytime session on day 2 and 3.
– Or in 6 two hour modules divided over three weeks.
You are invited to contribute what feels right to you, according to your appreciation and personal budget. The suggested fee is €125. You can contribute less or more. The love-based contribution is made at the end of the workshop as a part of our ceremony.
We organise the workshop upon request. When you (and others you know) are interested please contact us via the form below.

Louis Böhtlingk

Sandra Böhtlingk

Karen McAllister

Brian Gude