To care for our Earth, each other
and ourselves.
To let money serve well-being.
To receive and share
the gifts of the Earth.
About us
In a Care First World the well-being of people and planet comes first. Money is used to make well-being possible. Everyone can provide for their basic human needs and develop themselves. We honour and preserve the eco-systems of our beautiful Earth.
Care First means that we let our heart lead the way in all money matters and make sure that money serves the well-being of people and planet and is not used at their expense, which we define as Money First.
In our School of Care you are supported in making the shift from a Money First to a Care First attitude. We offer:
>> Meeting the Mystery of Money, a workshop to assist you with making the shift from Money First to Care First.
>> Personal Key sessions to explore the unique workings of your heart intelligence
>> Soul Reading and Healing sessions to assist you with life questions and issues.
>> Training course to develop your sensitive perception.
We activate the unique workings of our individual and collective heart intelligence and heart intelligent collaboration.
We collaborate in a united effort to regenerate the Earth’s ecosystem and our personal and collective ecosystems.
We provide the younger generations with tools they need to create the future of their dreams and have a planet to live on for themselves and their children.
We have launched a new triannual Magazine on 1 June 2023 in printed and digital format called “Care First World”. The digital version can be read as a gift and the printed version can be ordered for a small fee.
Made possible by and special thanks to:
Steve Schueth, Financial Advisor ( – Heidi Cuppari, Financial Advisor and founder of Dream Tank and Ashley Kulik, co-founder and creative director of Dream Tank ( – Richard Ruster, Director of Economic Development Hummingbird Community and Katherine Roske, social pionier, educator and co-founder of Hummingbird ( – Jeff Grossberg, Consultant to Nonprofits and Social Enterprises, ( – James Plagmann, Architect ( – – Keenan Pritchard, Language Specialist – Xiuhtezcatl and Itzcuauhtli Roske- Martinez, environmental activists, ( – Gertjan Keegstra, filmmaker –